Grand Howl

Grand Howl is a ceremony used by Cub Scouts to greet their Scouter or Special Guest.

(The Scouter stands in the middle of the circle and stretch out his/her arms and call out)
Scouter:                 “Pack-Pack-Pack” (This calls the Cub Scouts into a Parade Circle)
Cub Scouts:            “Pack!” (Cub Scouts reply as they run to their places in the circle)
(As the Special Guest enters the circle, the Scouter lower his/her arms, Cub Scouts squat down on their heels with their “forepaws” on the ground between their feet & their knees out on either side)
Cub Scouts:            “Ah-Kay-La!  We-e-e-e-ll do-o-o-o o-o-o-u-u-r BEST” (On the word “BEST”, Cub Scouts jump to their feet with 2 fingers of each hand at the sides of their heads, to resemble a wolf’s ears.)
Sixer:                     “Dyb-dyb-dyb-dyb” (Dyb means “Do Your Best”)
Cub Scouts:            “We-e-e-e-ll dob-dob-dob-dob” (Dob means “We’ll Do Our Best”)




領袖:            “Pack-Pack-Pack” (領袖呼叫幼童軍)
幼童軍:         “Pack!” (此時所有幼童軍會跑向領袖在其四周圍成)
幼童軍:        “Ah-Kay-La!  We-e-e-e-ll do-o-o-o o-o-o-u-u-r BEST” (當幼童軍說到”Best” 字時便跳起、舉起雙手將兩隻手指放在頭的兩邊作為狼耳朵)
小隊長:        “Dyb-dyb-dyb-dyb” (Dyb 代表 “Do Your Best”)
幼童軍:        “We-e-e-e-ll dob-dob-dob-dob” (代表 “We’ll Do Our Best”)

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Description: D:\Agnes\Beavers\Group 25th Anniversary\PHOTOS\SilverJubileeGroupCamp2015_1367.JPG      Description: P1100560

Description: D:\Agnes\Beavers\Group 25th Anniversary\PHOTOS\SilverJubileeGroupCamp2015_1368.JPG