Silver Jubilee Crests 銀禧徽章

Celebrating our 25th Anniversary with the launching of 2 Commemorative Crests: 為慶祝本旅團童軍祣之廿五週年紀念,我們設計了兩個紀念徽章:

  1. Silver Jubilee Group Crest

Description: crest

Our Silver Jubilee Group Crest has embedded our Group Logo (Chinese sail and maple leaf), Group Colors (blue & red) together with the symbolic color for Silver Jubilee (silver) in the design.  Since Scouting is a worldwide activity around the Globe promoting Equality, thus the Crest delivers to be in a Round shape!


此次之「銀禧旅徽」採用了本旅之標誌(中式船帆及楓葉)、顏色(藍、紅)及象徵銀禧之銀色在圓形計圓上以 期帶出童軍運動是一種全球性並望促進平等的活動。


  1. Silver Jubilee Camporee Crest

Description: Silver Jubilee Camporee crest
All Scouting members attending the Silver Jubilee Camporee will earn their eligibility for this crest which they could attach to their campfire blanket.  The white background, purple boarder & Scout logo signifies that we are part of the World Scout Brotherhood.  Group logo & Tent added to represent our Group Camp.  The wavy words are the highlight for this design which symbolised the “Growing Up” of our Group having the “Next Generations” to inherit our “Scout Beliefs” to “Flourish” the “Generations-To-Come”!

