What is Scouting Group

Scouting is based on three broad principles (the three main points of our Promise), which represent its fundamental beliefs.

Duty to God  Defined as, The responsibility to adhere to spiritual principles, and thus to the religion that expresses them, and to accept the duties therefrom.

Duty to Others  Defined as, The responsibility to one’s local, national and global community members to promote peace, understanding and cooperation, through participation in the development of society, respect for the dignity of one’s fellow-beings, and protection of the integrity of the natural world.

Duty to Self  Defined as, The responsibility for the development of oneself to one’s full potential physically, intellectually, spiritually and socially.

The Scouting Movement is a worldwide movement for youth that Lord Baden-Powell (BP) found in 1907.  In 2007, we celebrated our 100th Anniversary with 28,000,000 Scouting Members worldwide in over 160 countries.

What did BP want each of us to do can be summed up in his last message that was found in his study after he had “Gone Home” – died in 1940.

We may wear different uniform, but we all have the same emblem on our uniform.  Find out more about The World Scout Emblem.

We adhere to the same Scout Promise and Scout Law – One World One Promise.

When Scouts greet each other with a handshake, we use our left hand.  Find out more about the Left Hand Shake.