Parent's participation is very important to encourage your child's continuation in Scouting:
it shows your child that you support their participation in Scouting
you free up more leaders to provide activities to Beaver safely
you can share your knowledge and personal experience with Beavers in the Colony
There are many ways to participate:
Helping out in the planning and delivery of an activity such as :
Story Telling
Helping out at outdoor activity :
supervising Beavers during a Visit, Hike, Picnic
preparation and serving meals at sleepovers
Others :
Organisation of and/or demonstration at a special event, e.g. Chinese New Year Family Night
Web Design
Research for Activities
Organising Car Pools
Preparing Newsletter
Even when parents are not able to support Scouting activities in person, they can help achieving our Goal by :
arriving and departing on time
ensuring and helping them to put on their uniform properly
ensuring their uniform is in proper condition
helping Beavers learn to keeps their craft equipment in the expected working orders
encouraging Beavers to carry their own belongings
encouraging them to tell you about their Scouting experience